Life, as we
know it, cannot be explained. We don't really know how cells can be made to
live, grow, and multiply. We have identified many little pieces, but we don't
know a lot about how everything works together to create the synergy, which is
life itself. Scientists are not even sure about the electron. Is it a
particle or a wave type event? We sort of know that gravity is real, but
what causes it? Haven't figured that out yet.
The entire body of human knowledge that we do
understand and use to run our civilization is like the sand in a sandbox. By
comparison, what we don't know can be represented by all the remaining sand on
all the beaches and in all the deserts, worldwide. There is precious little of
total reality that we have actually figured out.
Therefore, if we define
"supernatural" as those things that cannot be explained or verified
by science, then most of human life is supernatural, because science cannot yet
explain it. Despite our scientific ignorance, however, we are capable of having
complete faith in all that reality slowly reveals to us. What we know and don't
know are inseparably linked in truth and we are the ones who must change our
perspectives as science reveals how newly discovered understandings link with
what is already known.
It is my belief that even scientific
knowledge does not progress without humans experiencing a spiritual sense of
the unknown. Faith is a result when spiritual inspiration leads to expected
outcomes. This is true for both scientific inquiry, as well as spiritual and
religious growth. A calm sense of the unknown somehow leads to verifiably new
experiences and understandings.
In short, life is a wonderful, supernatural
series of startling experiences, until new knowledge and perspectives are
revealed, understood, and accepted. Enjoy and celebrate what comes your way and that which is confirmed as truth through your life experiences, but also, keep
searching and reaching for what you haven't yet grasped, because that is where
the greatest expanse of reality resides.