“God is spirit, and those who
worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
(John 4:24)
“God is love, and
those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them.”
(I John 4:16)
These two verses of scripture express how I feel that I have
experienced God as a moving spirit in moments of human righteousness. Rather
than experiencing God as something that exists and happens from the outside of
my being, I have always felt that the presence of God, as spirit, comes to
conscious awareness when I act toward others with an intention of love. When I
am treated with love and compassion, I feel it. When I approach others with
love and compassion, I feel it again. God as love is a fact of human existence and experience.
Something happens inside me when I set aside personal
concerns and accept someone else’s perspective in a way that I can be helpful
to them. There is both a giving up and a receiving that happen simultaneously
in those moments. To me that is the presence of God and the beginning of a
helping/healing activity in real life. God as spirit is never outside, but is
always available to be expressed in every good and loving action I give, or
that I receive.
If you carefully think about it, God is the highest and best
expression of what it is to be human. When we feel that God has acted in our
lives it is because we have experienced a practical, human outcome that is the best that we
could have imagined for everyone involved, or even better. Perfect outcomes can become everyday
experiences if we choose to live with that as our expectation. Very little
exists in our world that does not originate from an idea about how something could be better. God is spirit and in that spirit is the evolving perfection of life that occurs through our learning to love.
The concept of original sin is a human myth and not a truth of our being.
The only thing separating anyone from growing into the presence of God is a
refusal to approach others, and I mean any other being, with the spirit of love.
Luckily, the negative influence of refusals can be eliminated, in a split-second, by
a change of heart and mind. We are in charge of expressing the best that is
within us. We determine our own living heavens or hells.
Choose your thoughts and actions wisely by inviting the
reality of unconditional love, that spiritual perfection we experience and describe as God, into every moment of your life.