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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ending The Battle Of Right Versus Wrong

Humans know lots about electricity, magnetism, gravity, light, societies, medicine, geography etc., but we are almost clueless about how and why these things exist in the first place. In other words, there are a number of “what’s” about our universe we’ve learned and have mastered to a moderate extent, but we know almost no “why’s.” 

Wisdom comes from knowing and accepting this uncomfortable human dilemma. It is uncomfortable because the human mind does not like unanswered questions. We are smart enough to know that there are, ultimately, correct answers for all questions, but we’re so far from being knowledgeable enough, or even smart enough, to know what those answers are, it is disturbing. So, in the meantime, to fill the void, we make up our own answers.

Religions are the result of humans wanting to answer the question, “Why do we exist?” This means that all religions and their holy books are man-made, incomplete, and invariably wrong about some aspects of ultimate truth. At the same time, the common themes of love, compassion, and the imperative to serve others are found in the teachings of virtually every major religion. Such spontaneous spiritual unanimity strongly suggests that religions are right about some aspects of ultimate truth.

The line separating these two realities is blurred by the limitless potential of our own human emotions and imagination to move us, alternately, between fear and love. Only when you are wise enough to know that you just don't know, will you be able to work consistently and harmoniously with those who live and think differently. 

Actually, the same can be said for competing political and social movements. Only when you are wise enough to know that you really don’t, and can't, know everything, will you start proposing meaningful solutions that will actually help you and others.

As Jesus suggested time and again, when we approach each other with love, empathy, and thoughtful consideration, there is no need to battle and there are no enemies. The reasons for being right or deciding others are wrong become meaningless. There is only God, absolute creative reality that supports and guides us in our quest for the highest understanding and expression of life.

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