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Monday, November 17, 2014

On Being Spiritual

Being spiritual is not a secret, nor something one must acquire through religious rituals or rigorous training. Spirituality is that inner awareness that there is meaning and truth beyond what can be physically seen, felt, heard, and measured. You can track your own spiritual experiences by being aware of those moments in which you understand and appreciate something, anything.

When a flower looks beautiful, that is a spiritual moment. Beauty is a personal spiritual experience. In the moment of beauty, the features of a flower, a sunset, or the caring interactions among people you are observing, have more meaning than could ever be described by objective measurements. There are limitless physical details that could be collected to describe any event in the universe, but as soon as an event has meaning that moves your heart, it is no longer merely an observable event. It has entered the realm of the spiritual.

Most everything that is important to the human mind is spiritual. We know this is true because everything the human mind believes is real must be accepted on faith. You might use scientific measurements to describe objects and events, but at the end of all the analyses, you must still consider and decide what you are going to accept as truth and what must be set aside as speculation or error. Then, whatever you hold to as truth, will guide how you experience the universe. Yes, a life filled with meaning is a highly spiritual experience.

You cannot choose whether or not to be spiritual, because you always are. The real question is what kind of spiritual life have you chosen to experience and to share with those who cross your path? Do you make love or rejection the foundation of your life? Do you build or tear down? 

        Even trying to reject a spiritual life is a spiritual act with power to negatively affect oneself and others.  Instead, follow your most positive spiritual instincts, embrace an unconditional loving attitude, and bring into your experience of self the freedom, security, and outright joy that result from the highest spiritual expressions of human life. 

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