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Thursday, November 7, 2019

Moses Did Not Write the "Five Books of Moses"

As listed by renowned Bible scholar, 
Richard Elliott Friedman, in his book
The Bible With Sources Revealed, HarperOne, New York, NY, 2003
the actual writers of the “Five Books of Moses” were:

J“For two centuries (from 922 to 722 BCE) the biblical promised-land was divided into two kingdoms: the kingdom of Israel in the north and the kingdom of Judah in the south. A text known as J was composed during this period. It is called J because, from its very first sentence, it refers to God by the proper name of YHWH (“Jahwe” in German, which was the language of many of the founding works in this field).  J was composed by an author living in the southern kingdom of Judah.”
(Friedman, p 3).

E“A second text, know as E, was composed during this same period.” (from 922 to 722 BCE) “E was composed by a priest living in the northern kingdom of Israel. It is called E because it refers to the deity simply as God, which in the original Hebrew is Elohim, or by the divine name El in its stories until the time of Moses.” “…the E text developed the idea that the proper name of God, YHWH, was not known on earth until God chose to reveal it to Moses.” (Friedman,  p. 4).

RJE “In the year 722 BCE, the Assyrian empire destroyed the northern kingdom of Israel. J and E were then no longer separated by a border. These two versions of the people’s history now existed side by side in the kingdom of Judah. In the years that followed, someone assembled a history that used both J and E as sources. The editor/historian who combine J and E into a single work is known as the Redactor of JE or RJE, for short.” (Friedman, p. 4)

P“The third main source is known as P because one of its central concerns is the priesthood.”   It is most likely  “…that P was composed not long after J and E were combined—specifically, that it was produced by the Jerusalem priesthood as an alternative to the history told in JE. (Friedman, p. 4)

Dtn“The final main source is known as D because it takes up most of the book of Deuteronomy. More specifically, Deuteronomy comprises: (1) a law code that takes up chapters 12-26 known as Dtn. (Friedman, p. 5)

Dtr1 The original, Josianic edition of the Deuteronomistic history is called,  Dtr1. (Friedman, p. 5)

Dtr2 The second, exilic edition of the Deuteronomistic history is called Dtr2. (Friedman, p. 5)

R – All original sources and modifying editions were put together by an editor into the final five-book work. This final editor is known as the Redactor, or for short: R. (Friedman, p. 5)

Other – e.g. Other independent texts, e.g. Book of records used by R (Friedman, p. 32)

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Christian Dogma Versus Metaphysics

1a. Dogma: God is an all-powerful being and He orchestrates all the circumstances of life then judges each human’s motives and actions.
1b. Metaphysics: God is a personification of the universal power and unknown source of being through which each human co-creates the life to which he or she aspires.

2a. Dogma: God condemns sinners to Hell for all eternity.
2b. Metaphysics: When I choose to reject my ability to express unconditional love toward others, then that can create hellish human circumstances within those moments of eternity that I live.

3a. Dogma: Jesus died for our sins.
3b. Metaphysics: Forgiveness is an inspired change of mind, heart, and life that occurs within individuals whenever, and however they open themselves up to the experience and guidance of God, the ultimate Truth and highest Consciousness of being.

4a. Dogma: Jesus and God perform miracles.
4b. Metaphysics: Experiencing the reality of knowledge and wisdom beyond the human capacity to understand will certainly appear miraculous, but that which is real, forever exists in potential and is always available for expression.

5a. Dogma: Only Christians are saved and will go to heaven.
5b. Metaphysics: Spiritual awakening is an inner, personal evolution into the understanding and demonstration of divine, immutable Truth, and is not a competition among religions.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

A Trilogy Of Spiritual Thoughts


Faith is not a willingness to believe what others tell you is the truth. That is shallowness, which has no roots. Faith is the understanding of truth, personally experienced and affirmed by the observable results of what you think and do. Try resolving conflict with love, compassion, and forgiveness toward others and see what happens. Experience it. If the conflict diminishes, have faith in the process and the results. If the immediate conflict does not diminish, pray, persist, and still keep your actions centered on love and forgiveness, because ALL that you offer will ultimately determine what happens and what is returned to you. Develop faith based on what is revealed to you when acting from your highest and best intentions.


Truth is that which is and that which happens. The only things obscuring truth are our efforts to interpret what is and what happens in ways that force events to mean what we want them to mean rather than learning more from what they actually are. A willingness to always accept truth, just as it presents itself, is the foundation for freedom, growth, knowledge, fulfillment, justice, and happiness. As you learn truth, you grow. As you grow, you change. As you change, so does the world, because you are a part of what the world is.


      The secret of life is that there is no secret. Everything is just exactly as it expresses itself. Still, how everything seems depends on how you decide to interpret life and the universe, because you will tend to draw into your experience that which you expect and deny the reality of everything contrary to your desires. However, changing your attitude to one of unconditional objectivity and love, shifts everything. Thoughts are things and they are most beneficial to you when lovingly, honestly, and rationally formed. So, when you change your mind so that love guides you to accept life just as it occurs in all its variations, you will discover that faith, truth, and love all become the same experience within every moment. Let love live through you.